Bengali Movie 'Bizli' is The First Bengali Superhero Film distributed by a prominent Bangladeshi Movie production company known as "Jaaz Multimedia".
Bizli Movie was Produced by EAMIN HAQUE BOBBY who herself was the leading
actress of that movie.
Bobby is also a very well-known Bangladeshi film
actress and who received fans' appreciation for some of her great
performances, especially in the Dehorokkhi movie.
This copied Bengali Movie Bizli was directed by Iftakar Chowdhury who
started his film directing career with "Khoj: The Search" movie.
Jaaz Multimedia Distributed Bengali Superhero Movie "Bizli" was released on 13th April 2018.
Bizli Movie Acted by Eamin Haque Bobby, RAANVEER, SHATABDI ROY, ILIAS KANCHAN, MISHA SHAWDAGAR, ZAHID HASAN, and So Many Others.
In the following video from our Facts Hunterrr YouTube Channel You'll get to know about the Top 17 Incredible and Amazing Facts about This Copied Bangla Movie Bizli.
The Most Surprising Fact about Bizli Movie is that the Concept, Story, and Screenplay of this Movie were heavily Copied from Hollywood Movie "I am Number Four".
Dreamworks and Reliance Entertainment Produced "I Am Number Four" Movie was
released in 2011.
And Bizli was shamelessly Copied from that Hollywood
Super-Hero Film where the Bengali Director didn't even give any credit to
Original Hollywood Film.
You can be sure about the info we provided by taking a look at the links
mentioned right here:
➤ Bizli Movie Trailer:
➤ I Am Number Four Movie Trailer: